17, 2015

ACE Lab conducts the first NAND/Monolith Recovery training in USA

Monolith. Top-level Technology for Top-level Tasks. conference
in New York opens the ACE Lab training sessions in the USA which we start to conduct for our customers from the North and South America.

The first 4-Day training sessions on NAND / Monolith Recovery technologies will be the exclusive and outstanding events because nobody else can offer such NAND training program which includes the new universal technology of recovering data from monolithic flash devices.

Experienced NAND engineers directly from the ACE Lab headquarters

Who should attend:
Data recovery specialists, forensic experts, government IT specialists and everyone who is interested to learn the NAND Memory / Monolith Recovery deeper.

TeelTech Training Сenter in Norwalk, CT, the USA

1st training: September 22 - 25, 2015
2nd training: September 28 - October 1, 2015

To get more information and reserve your seat, please visit the web page of our partner or contact our training coordinator

Take the chance to get the exclusive training from ACE Lab without traveling outside the USA!

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